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Interfaith Alliance

Grassroots Toolkit to Educate and Fight Hate Crimes

Impactful Partnering Against Hate Publication for Interfaith Alliance.

KTD Creative worked with the Interfaith Alliance to create a toolkit called Partnering Against Hate to educate people about hate crimes and what they can do in their communities to challenge extremism. The Interfaith Alliance is the only national interfaith organization dedicated to protecting the integrity of both religion and democracy in America.

The Interfaith Alliance celebrates religious freedom by championing individual rights, promoting policies that protect both religion and democracy, and uniting diverse voices to challenge extremism. They believe that religious freedom is a foundation for American democracy. They also believe that matters of personal conscience must be held sacred, but no one has the right to impose their beliefs on others and that religious and political extremists are a threat to individual liberty and democracy.

Client is located in Washington, DC.