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Social Media Memes and Web Page Slider to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of a Dance Company

Beautiful Social Media Contents That Excite for VTDance.

KTD Creative designed a beautiful social media meme for as well as a gorgeous site in WordPress for VTDance. Vincent E. Thomas founded VTDance as an outlet for performance projects including solo, group, and collaborative choreographic endeavors. VTDance is multi-dimensional.

The work builds on the use of contemporary dance, improvisation, text / movement, a variety of sound sources, and collaborations with other artists, including dancers, musicians, poets, visual artists, and others [to be discovered]. These ideas coupled with witty, poignant, athletic and gestural movement are the rich palette for VTDance. Vincent works in and with communities with a variety of workshops, Table Talks, master classes, and community engagement activities.

Client is located in Baltimore, MD.